Dinner “Under the Sea”

Dinner “Under The Sea”

Please join us and enjoy musical performances by DLC students and students from Arthur L. Johnson High School Tri-M Music Honor Society from Clark, a lavish cocktail hour, open bar, D. J. entertainment, dancing, an aquatic-themed atmosphere, and fun for all!

Sponsored by Autism Foundation of New Jersey

Where and When

The Berkeley Plaza
735 Springfield Avenue
Berkeley Heights, NJ

Friday, May 12, 6-10pm

To Register:

Please use the forms below to register online.
If you would prefer to Register By Mail, download this form.
We will send your PDF tickets to the provided email.

Dinner “Under the Sea” Tickets

$ 125
Personal Info

Donation Total: $125

$ 1,250
Personal Info

Donation Total: $1,250

$ 1,000
Personal Info

Donation Total: $1,000

Personal Info

Donation Total: $10